Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Somedays you just need a little John Denver

So last night with Teri gone and the kids wanting to spend a little time together before bed we got out a little John Denver (with the Muppets). I know, my kids are a little old for it but the Muppets still make us laugh. They asked about John Denver and I told them what kind of music he did and explained how he died in a plane accident. They were a little sad. But it was time well spent.

So whether you think he's cheesy and a little too homespun or maybe you love him, you have to admit, there arent too many singers you can listen together as a family and everyone enjoy it.

Favorite JD songs:
1)Country Roads
2)Rocky Mountain High
4)Thank God I'm a Country Boy
5)Grandma's feather bed

1 comment:

Teri said...

That must be why we are married, I grew up on JD, and I know and appreciate that 9 x6 featherbed so very well. Only I just shared it with my siter and a cousin... no hound dogs and no piggy stolen from the shed. Wish I was there enjoying a little of the Muppets, too. I miss you.