Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben!

So who hasnt seen Star Wars? I mean come another movie that had more impact on a generation than this? It was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. My dad fell asleep.

So today would have been Ben Kenobi's (Alec Guiness) 94th birthday. You gotta like Obi-Wan right? That always present stable wisdom kinda guy when you need him. I've had many Ben Kenobi's in my life over the years. The guy you call up at midnight for advice or to bail you out of jail. Which has never happened to me....but still.
So who's a Ben Kenobi in your life??


Cindy said...

Bruce's mom took him to see "Star Wars"... she fell asleep! Now the kids have all 6 dvd's and I have yet to see one in full...I fall asleep!

"help me Obi-Wan're my only hope" That would be Bruce to me! :)

Cindy Holcomb

Teri said...

You are my Ben, baby!