Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Good Name

So earlier today I spoke with an older lady at our Home Office. She had been one of my dad's underwriters back in the 70's. I had to unfortunately tell her my dad had passed away five years ago. We talked about the company for awhile and her working with my dad (via phone) for many years. She told me what a fine man my dad was at the end of the conversation.

For the last five years I will occasionally run into people like her that tell me the same thing. Proverbs 22:1 says "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches..." I've always thought of that verse when I think about my dad now and how it's reinforced by people I talk with.

I put a picture of a garden up top because this time of year my dad would begin his. I love spring but sometimes it's a little melancholy. If you've ever lost someone close to you it's funny how little things will remind you of them. Sometimes they are unexpected. My conversation with Carolyn this morning was unexpected, but sometimes unexpected encouragement goes a long ways. I miss my dad.


Anonymous said...

Greg, i cried when i read this. I have not lost a parent, but I miss my grandpa so much still, and he has been in heaven 12 years now. This year my grandma went to be with him, and i miss her as well. Heaven sounds sweeter all the time. Your dad was a precious man, who always had a smile and big laugh. The words "fertile turtle" will always bring a smile to my face. What a wonderful thing to have people speak highly of him.

Bryan Tucker said...

i hear stories of my papa from others all the time and realize i can't even imagine life without him. he is my hero and been the greatest example for me throughout my life. great post.