Friday, September 26, 2008

What to do with $700 Billion

Ok...think about this. 250 million Americanos divided by $700 billion devalued dollars equals $2,800.00 per person.

Just give it to us you morons!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jesus is My Friend

We need to update our worship services. Seriously! We have got to reach more people than we are now. I say we get this the video and give me your feedback.
Reaching others is what it's all about people. This group could spearhead a new movement for us in our church. Tell me what you think!

Quick edit note: just discovered that Mr. Scott Marsh was blessed by this group already. Nonetheless, we need them.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well, I'm Sold!

Sorry it's been awhile fellow politicos. I thought I'd jump back in with some video feed of everyone's latest heart-throb.
She hunts, fishes, knows how to use a gun, was a sports reporter, Miss Alaska finalist, basketball player, flute player, mom, and can stand toe-toe with Biden and the rest of the good ol' boys. She has one kid named Bristol and one named Track, (obvious NASCAR fan) along with 3 other kids.

Forget the women vote, this pretty much seals up the age 18-85 MAN vote.

BTW, I know this post lacks the depth and seriousness as the current Hillenblog running debate, but sometimes you gotta just look for the funny! Happy Election everyone! I'm already looking forward to 2012 for the next "most important election of our lives"